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SALE ends Sunday 12th January

If you wish you can just mount your print on mount board and prop it up against a wall without any frame for a more casual look.

We recommend using Daler Rowney Mountboard and Spray Mount which can be bought from Amazon or Hobby Craft.

If you decide to frame your print here’s a few tips:- Choosing a frame Frames come in a variety of colours, weights and finishes. Always consider where you going to hang your print, the wall colour, what’s close by and if you will be hanging them with other paintings/prints.

Decide on how you want the wall, painting and furniture to look overall Look at the print and decide what the overriding colour is and whether you want a contrast or a a more subtle frame that doesn’t detract from the image. Metal frames tend to lend themselves to more modern prints with wooden a more rustic look.

For made to measure we recommend:-

There are plenty of frame suppliers on-line for standard A sizes and don’t forget to look in antique shops or charity shops for hiddens gems.

To mount or not? Mounts are great for giving the print more room to be seen, giving them room to “breathe”. You can buy custom cut mounts from